Learning from customer interaction: How merchants create price-level propositions for experience goods in hybrid market environments

10 octubre, 2015

MÀRQUETING – Article available at Computers in Human Behaviour

Learning from customer interaction: How merchants create price-level propositions for experience goods in hybrid market environments

For hybrid merchants, who sell goods simultaneously through digital media and conventional channels, creating a price proposition is a major and controversial decision. We model the interaction between hybrid merchants and their customers within the context of an experience goods market; and we study how merchants and customers both learn from this interaction to make optimum decisions. The equilibrium solution of the proposed game shows that experience goods’ loyal customers tend to switch channels, make repeat purchases online, and avoid learning alternative value propositions. And the optimum strategy for hybrid merchants involves higher prices that rely on solid branding and knowledge of the clientele. The findings also yield important managerial implications.


Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

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Autors / Autores
Catedràtic de Mètodes Quantitatius per a l'Economia i l'Empresa als Estudis d'Economia i Empresa de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), i director del programa de doctorat d'ADE a la UOC. És membre del grup de recerca Digital Business Research (DigiBiz).
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